To be held. To be supported. To be seen.
Embrace it.
Tantric Bodywork can shift what longs to be moved in the mind, heart, and body so that you can hear, heal, get what you most need.
You were not meant to be a ghost in your own life.
This work can show you how…
To begin to open the door on how you might surrender to the mystery of becoming fully alive.
To become aware of the humanity of your own body.
To wrap your hands around your innate creativity and warm it.
And to begin to open to the whispering possibility of feeling more of your life.
Tantric Bodywork can meet you wherever you find yourself right now.
I invite you to read, explore, and get a feel for what is available for you here.
And if you have any questions or you know this is what you need, please reach out to me here: tantricbodyworknyc@gmail.com.